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SAS Registration

Welcome to the SAS Registration page at UC Merced, your guide to registering with the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office. This page provides a clear, step-by-step process for students to follow when seeking accommodations for a disability. Here, you’ll find information on the required documentation, forms to complete, and how to schedule your intake appointment. Whether you are registering for the first time or renewing your accommodations, this page ensures that the process is straightforward and accessible. We’re here to support you in creating an inclusive academic experience.

SAS Registration

SAS Student Services Intake Forms


Registration Steps for New Students

Students have the responsibility to contact Student Accessibility Services and specifically request to become registered. This will entail a four-step registration process as outlined below:

Step 1 - Submit Documentation of Disability:

A student with a disability who is seeking academic accommodation is required to provide documentation of disability which supports that a disability poses a substantial academic functional limitation. The purpose of disability documentation is to verify that it meets the definition of disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973 which requires academic accommodations to equally access a post-secondary university academic learning environment and campus programs.

Documentation of disability should provide enough information to assist Student Accessibility Services in determining reasonable academic accommodations. All documentation of disability submitted to Student Accessibility Services must include:

1. Clinician's name, license number, business phone number and business address;
2. A summary of all instruments and procedure(s) including date(s) of examination;
3. History summary of educational, medical, family histories and behavioral observations;
4. Diagnosis including a clear statement of DSM-IV on all 5 Axis; (if applicable)
5. Interpretive summary of evaluation results including all standardized scores;
6. Statement of specific functional limitations relating to academic performance;
7. Recommendations for specific academic adjustments supported by rationale; and
8. All documentation of disability reports should be on letterhead, typed, dated, signed and otherwise legible.

For documentation of disability guidelines that are disability specific, please review the disability guidelines on the Student Accessibility Services website or by contacting Student Accessibility Services directly.

Step 2 – Student Accessibility Services Eligibility Determination:

Student Accessibility Services will review submitted documentation of disability to determine eligibility. If necessary, Student Accessibility Services will seek clarification and, if necessary, more information. The final determination for eligibility for accommodation services rests with Student Accessibility Services.

After reviewing submitted documentation and verifying eligibility for accommodations, Student Accessibility Services will notify the student to make an intake appointment to discuss approved accommodation services and related departmental procedures.

Step 3 – Intake Appointment:

At the intake appointment, the student and Student Accessibility Services will review and discuss eligible accommodation services and review departmental policies. Approved accommodations will be stated in a faculty notification letter which is then provided to the student. The faculty notification letter serves to verify and notify faculty that a student has presented documentation of a disability and requires the specified listed accommodation(s).

Step 4 – Student/Faculty Meeting:

The student is responsible to meet with their respective faculty members to review approved accommodations and to discuss implementation strategies. Most faculty members are able to directly provide appropriate accommodation (e.g. exam testing accommodations also known as proctoring); while some accommodations (e.g. as sign language interpreting) are coordinated with and through Student Accessibility Services. The student will obtain faculty signatures verifying that the letter was discussed with faculty and the student then returns the signed letter to Student Accessibility Services.

PLEASE NOTE: The faculty notification letter is considered a confidential student record under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The student is under no obligation to disclose his or her disability.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process or require any further information, please contact Student Accessibility Services directly at:

UCM Student Accessibility Services

5200 N. Lake Road - ACS 140 - Merced, CA 95343
Phone: 209-228-6996 - Fax: 209-228-4661



For more information, please feel free to stop by our office.

Our office is open Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm. We are located in ACS-140 cubicle-128.